Join the Adventure! Become a Superbook Sponsor

You can spread the Gospel to children all over the world by partnering with Superbook. Your support will help us bring Superbook Academy to churches in Malaysia to engage and disciple the next generation.

Together, we can start thousands of children on a life-changing journey with Jesus.

Bring good news to the families of the world

Through your generosity, you can:

  • Help complete five full seasons of Superbook – a total of 65 episodes.
  • Translate more Superbook episodes into more languages – helping to fulfil Christ’s mandate to take the Gospel to every tongue, tribe and nation.
  • Develop Superbook Academy lessons for each new episode – teaching boys and girls the eternal truths of God’s Word.

Sponsor benefits, just for you

Get up to date newsletter on how your donation is impacting the churches and next generation in Malaysia!

Transform your children's world

Faith is key to your child’s future. Superbook Partnership provides a biblically-sound and easy to understand message that introduces children to God’s plan and purpose for their lives.

Exclusive teaching and family devotionals help you to explore the truths of the Bible in more detail with your children, growing their faith.

Start your children on a life-changing journey with Jesus.

We know Superbook changes lives forever


Vidhi believed that if she prayed to Jesus He would listen to her prayers and heal her grandfather, just like the paralysed man on Superbook.


8-year-old Jayde started up a Bible study group and used Superbook to lead children from different family backgrounds to Jesus.


After watching Superbook, Rachel gave her heart to Jesus. She then told her family about Him and they became Christians as well.

It's up to us.
Let's take the Gospel to the children of the world - together.